Friday, December 24, 2004

~*A Moody Morning*~

This morning I woke up late. When I was going to enter into campus, then only I realize that I didn't bring my student ID. Damn.. Got to back to my room to get it. Thus, I was late to the class.

In the class, nothing much happen. It was boring and boring and boring.. Even I had try my best to pay attention but seems like nothing could go into my mind. Maybe I'm still in holidays mood.

Actually, I'm quite unhappy. I don't know why. Maybe there is something unexpected happen. Argh.. I hate that. Besides, I was being left alone again. Yeah, it is my fault for being moody. That's why people left me alone and not to disturb me to avoid trouble. I understand this theory and I accepted it.

Not to forget to mention, I hate to walk with a group of three. There will be one always in the front or at the back and I'm always the one.

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